The Entrepreneurs
Best FriendTM
Founder, Speaker, coach, marketing expert & investor

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WRITER’s Wisdom

How I Overcame My Demons
➡️ This Video Could Change YOUR Life! 🙏🙏🙏 I woke up this morning and was getting some work done when I came across this video

Launch Cart Takes On Shopify
At FreedomFest 2022, NTD’s Paul Greaney sat down with the CEO of Launch Cart, Greg Writer. Writer has over 35 years of experience in corporate

The On-Demand All-In-One eCommerce Solution: Say Hello to “Launch Cart”
Now anyone has the opportunity to build an on-demand online eCommerce store with a fully integrated Source and Sell Marketplace. Launch Cart – the answer

I’m often referred to as “The Entrepreneur’s Best Friend” because I’ve spent the past 35 years helping entrepreneurs like yourself raise capital, market their businesses, and ring the cash register.
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Get tips on how to get your business’s cash register ringing!